Clemens Clüver,
born October 3, 1993
The gentle reader will need lots of patience if he wants to read the whole story, that's for sure... because Clemens' life was definitevely more complicated than is "normal" if you have given birth to a healthy baby - and if the child's development was pretty normal until the age of five.
Just some words in advance: Clemens had to cope with health problems we would have been happy to bear instead of him. He is an unanswered medical case, we love him and admire his courage. He had to face three strokes of fate that would have discouraged adults. But even though these incidents have caused him lots of harm and pain and if they have even silenced him for some weeks, Clemens has never lost his wonderful, truly refreshing and sometimes sarcastic humour - and that will bring him up again, too!
In the meantime, his story fills two big folders and 18 pages in a Word-document. I will translate these personal notes step by step - new developments will be available under "News Clemens".
And one thing more: In the past 10 years, we have tried really a lot of things, orthodox and non-orthodox medicine and everything else you can think of. But so far, we have not found the needle in the haysack or the icing on the cake - but we truly believe that we will find it sooner or later. And we of course appreciate help and/or advice even though we have learnt that not every therapist/healer/aid will be perfect for us... they all did their best, but sometimes it simply didn't match - that's at least our personal experience!