Hanoverian Main Studbook Mare, born in 2002
FILOMENA is a tremendously gorgeous mare with a perfect character and fantastic movements. She is the full sister of FÜRST COMPLIMENT(Findus), licensed in Verden in 2005, and of FÜRST COMPLIMENT II (Frings), licensed in Redefin in 2008. First-class awarded at the Mare Show in Verden in 2004. Backed in spring 2005 and performance tested in 2007. She earned average scores of 8 for her rideability and excellent scores for basic gaits.
| | Florestan | Fidelio |
| Fürst Heinrich | | Raute |
| | Dawina | Donnerhall |
Filomena | | | Wibke |
| | Compliment | Calypso II |
| StPrSt Capri | | Fiorella |
| | Moringa Girl xx | Diu Star xx |
| | | Martinalia xx |
Breeding accomplishments:
2006: colt RÖHLMANN by Rascalino

2007: filly RAYA by Rascalino
2008: no foal
2009: colt DEXTER by Diamond Hit